Party Bus for Proms and Homecoming

Minor Alcohol Policy

No ice chests for minors.

In 2023, Good Times Limo implemented a 'No Coolers' policy for youth trips, including, but not limited to, Proms and Homecomings.  

There have been some questions around this.  

Per Louisiana law, no one under the age of 18 is allowed to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages. Someone age 18-20 may ONLY have alcohol in the presence of their parent or legal age spouse AND ONLY in a private residence. We are not their parents and our vehicles are not private residences.

It is stated in our terms and it is reminded at the beginning of such trips that alcohol and drugs are not allowed.

Despite, these reminders and warnings, on more than one occasion, we have had police officers threaten to have us drivers arrested on multiple counts of contributing to the delinquency of minors. 

Recently, despite the terms and driver warnings, we had a group who were still able to get quite a bit on the bus, even after we were checking coolers. When we dropped them off at the event, they were running the breathalyzer. Officers then came to search the bus and asked questions about everything. Most or all of the students' parents were called and I think one or more even left in handcuffs from the event.

If that were to happen to any of our chauffeur's, he/she could lose their license. Many of our professionals are also school bus drivers. A loss of license is a loss of a job in this situation. That loss of job is a loss of benefits and insurance.

Quite frankly, I, as the owner, am not willing to take that risk, nor would I want any of my drivers to take on that risk.

While there may be parents who choose to justify using our services, so that their minor child can drink safely and not have the worries of driving and hurting themselves or someone else, it is still illegal. Certainly, if a parent wanted to ride with their child, AND assume the liability for all riders under the age of 21, they could do that.

So, for the protection of the students and our drivers, the 'No Coolers' policy was enacted. We want the students to have a great time on the bus, but we will do all we can to keep the alcohol off of the bus for the minor-aged events.